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Grace Oh! is doing pre production at Footprint Productions

Greg Jorden(Grounded, Greg Jorden Project, Skylight) and Nomsa Msibi have done some songwriting for the Grace Oh! EP.

Greg recording EPSession 1 – 16 October 2015

In todays session Greg Jorden recorded acoustic guitar for some of the tracks on the Grace Oh! EP. Nomsa got to see the studio for the first time. She tried to sit quietly during the recording process but she was just too excited that it is actually happening. The recording went well and we cannot wait to have them back in studio!




Greg recording keys for the EP

Session 2 – 2 November 2015

In todays session Greg Jorden recorded keys for a track on the Grace Oh! EP and then went on to record more acoustic guitar for the other tracks. Nomsa will be recording vocals in our next session, we are so excited!